Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sarah, Ellen, and Katie

They are all just too cute for words!

Piggies and Ponies

Katherine and Sarah wanted me to put their hair up's a challenge, as their hair doesn't ever go the same direction twice! Here they are styling their new "dos" :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Camping Out!

Sarah got a really fun tent from PaPa and Nana for her birthday. Here are some pictures of the girls enjoying it! What fun!

Let us not forget.....

.....Miss Katherine! :) She had a hard time handling Sarah being in the spotlight this weekend. We had some quarrels over presents and candle blowing, but I thought it nice to dedicate a post to her silliness from his weekend too! :) Note the "fake" sad face about not opening presents, the fight over the new toy, and so forth....she's a ham!

Mommy and Her Girls

Grandma has the coziest lap :)

The girls got to swim in their pool again this week -- the weather was just beautiful!!!!! And better yet, Grandma came to visit and brought Katherine a new bathing suit just for the occasion! Here are some pictures of the new suit and Grandma's visit!

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (part five - cake!)

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (part four - the presents!)

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (part three - the princess cake!)

Mom made a lovely princess cake for Sarah (the skirt is cake, the top is actually the doll). She always makes the nicest cakes -- and they even taste better than they look!

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (part two - round one of presents and cake!)

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY SARAH!!! (part one - breakfast!)

Sarah is TWO! It's hard to believe how quickly time passes with children, but she is growing every day. We had a long few days of celebrating Sarah's birthday, but it was so much fun and she had a blast! So enjoy the following pictures of Sarah's birthday celebrations from Thursday (her actual birthday!) and Saturday (the party!).

My Little Artists

We got out our "magic" markers and colored some really pretty pictures! Katherine works very hard to stay inside the lines, and Sarah is happy to do just as big sister does!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sarah enjoys hanging out with me when we're putting pictures on the blog... she usually sits and draws on her MagnaDoodle or plays with her purse. So, here's a couple pictures of my little helper.