Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Winter Wonderland

Kate and Sarah were fascinated with Grandma Jansen's snow globe...Kate even asked me later if she could get one for herself. :)

Because Girls Can Never Have Too Many Presents...Right??

As if the girls didn't get enough presents, at Grandpa and Grandma Jansen's house they had more to open! Sarah's favorite was the Puppy Hotel, and Kate just LOVED her princess clock!

Some of Our Favorite People

Have Your Present and Open It Too!! Part 1

The girls had so much fun opening presents on Christmas morning with PaPa, Nana, and Uncle Michael, John, and Thomas. 'Santa' was very good to them this year!

Have Your Present and Open It Too! Part 2

Christmas morning at Nana's and PaPa's house was so much fun!!

The Breakfast of Champions

Every girl needs a good breakfast before a day of present-opening and candy-eating! The tree was lit, Nana made pancakes (one of the girls' favorites!), and Uncle Thomas even smiled for a picture. Sarah was so tickled she even gave her "big eye" face! What a fun and yummy Christmas breakfast!

Little Red and Goldilocks on Christmas Morning

The girls stayed the night at Nana's house on Christmas Eve, and these are two pictures Nana took of them on Christmas morning. Obviously, Kate was more cooperative than Sarah! :)

Would you like some snow with your Christmas?

The girls were so excited to see snow (even though it wasn't much) on Christmas morning. Sarah was a little less thrilled than Kate, but even still, they went outside for a moment with PaPa. Let it snow!

Blonde Beauty...with help from Aunt Barb!

Sarah and Kate tell me all the time, "Aunt Barb is the best braider. Even better than you Mom!" Well, I can't argue! Here are a couple pictures of Sarah's hair after Barb spend some time on them...I could never do it!

The Morning Santa Came to Town

The Morning Santa Came to Town...Sarah

Sarah slept in on our Christmas morning, but Kate was quick to wake her once the presents were discovered. It took Sarah a little longer to wake up, though once she realized what was going on, it didn't take much! She was very excited about the movie they got - The Three Musketeers (the Barbie version, of course) and the Barbie to go with it!

The Morning Santa Came to Town...Kate

Kate was too cute on "our" Christmas morning. We celebrated a couple days early so we could get to Nana and Papa's house for Christmas Eve. Anyway, she woke up, peeked out of her room down the hallway to check if anyone was watching. Carefully and quitely, she tip-toed down the hall, doing her best to avoid making any noise. As soon as the Christmas tree came into her view, she bolted to it, gasping as she saw the presents under the tree. "Oh my goodness, this is AMAZING!" was her response. She then came running into my room to wake me. After all, she has to share her discovery! Here are some pictures of her on Christmas morning here. She loved everything Santa brought for her. Smart guy. :)

Christmas Goodies from Uncle Perry and Aunt Terry!

The girls received a package in the mail from Uncle Perry and Aunt Terry, and it was just FULL of goodies! Kate especially loved the outfit, and Sarah was a huge fan of the unicorns. They both also use their princess purses around the house to carry their little necklaces and bracelets and such. Thank you Uncle Perry and Aunt Terry! We love you!