Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter with Daddy, Part 5

Easter with Daddy, Part 4

Easter with Daddy, Part 3

Easter with Daddy, Part 2

Easter with Daddy, Part 1

Here are some great pictures Aunt Annie took while the girls were with Jeremy for Easter! I love them all!

Easter at Nana and PaPa's House!

The girls loved all the goodies they found at Nana and PaPa's house! The Easter Bunny was good to them this year! Sarah was pretty clever with her egg hunting though -- she picked up a few things, and then said she was done! Katherine picked up the rest, but then Sarah jumped right back in when it was time to go through the candy. Guess she's got it figured out: let Katherine do the work, and she'll sit back and wait for the goods. :)

Happy 50th Birthday Uncle Kenny!

Kenny celebrated his 50th birthday this March, and the girls had a wonderful time celebrating with him! We love you Uncle Kenny!

Making Cupcakes!

Katherine helped Nana and Grandma Jansen make mini cupcakes for Kenny's 50th birthday party. She's such a great helper!

Two Little Monkeys Hanging From a Tree

The girls discovered that they can (almost) climb the tree in the front yard. They just LOVED it! I finally helped them get up in it to sit long enough for a picture...but then they didn't want to get down!


Katherine was so excited when we finally got snow; she couldn't wait to get outside and play in it! Sarah, on the other hand, was less enthused. She decided to stay inside and watch. When I asked her if she wanted to put on her coat and boots to play in the snow, she replied, "No, I'll stay inside where it's warm." Clever girl! the nude....

So typical for Sarah! Keeping clothes on her is like trying to find a needle in a haystack -- virtually impossible! I guess it's not so bad when she's painting though...less chance of her getting the paint on her clothes. :)

Sarah's Latest Addiction

The iPhone!! She loves to play the dress-your-princess game, do her flashcards, or "make" cupcakes (she calls it the "pupcake" game). :) If I didn't know any better, I'd say she thinks my phone is her phone!
Lately, however, she's been asking to take pictures with it. What she doesn't know is that she's getting a camera for her birthday in July!!

The World's Biggest Slacker!

I know, I's been FOREVER since I last posted anything. I've been so bogged down with school that I haven't been able to think about anything else in the last few months. So I'm forcing myself to sit down and actually post things I've been meaning to post for long time.... Sorry for the delay!!