Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My Little Helpers

I've been pretty sick the last few days, but Katherine and Sarah haven't gone far from my side. Katherine comes to me at least a few times each hour to ask me "Mommy, are you sick or are you better now?" to which I respond "Still sick sweetie."

Then she runs off, taking Sarah with her, and they almost inevitably come back with something to make me feel better - a picture they drew, a Lego creation, a doll, even a shoe (still don't get that one).

Such helpers they have been! I've been reminding them I need them to be helpers, to be nice to each other because Mommy is sick and can't do everything she would like to do. They have been taking it like champs!

My personal favorite was this morning.

I've been running a lot of movies (I hate doing it, but it's the only way I can get through the day being THIS sick and having them here with me), and I put in Meet The Robinsons this morning.

Katherine and Sarah were watching it, and they were taking turns coming up on the couch with me. Sarah would give me her bunny (for those of you who know bunny, it is a dear and beloved toy for her), and give me Eskimo kisses. Katherine would run her fingers through my hair. There was always one of them at my side.

Amazing to me how such small children can be so aware of what is going on around them, and they almost immediately become nurturers! They never cease to amaze me.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


I went to Breese to pick up the girls from Mom's, as they stayed there so I could go on a float trip with some friends.

Unfortunately, I was sick (couldn't speak but in a whisper), so I stayed home from church instead of joining them.

Uncle John picked up Katherine and said "I'm going to carry you instead of having you walk, so it doesn't take as long."

Katherine replied with "Okay....just don't drop me!" :)
We were in Breese on Wednesday so I could get my hair cut. Before we left Grandma's house, Aunt Barb stopped by. Barb, for those of you who don't know, has two cats named Midnight and Tiger.

Katherine loves the cats and asks to see them whenever she sees Barb. Unfortunately, this time, we had to tell her no, as we would be back in Breese on Friday for Alex's birthday. She would be able to see them then.

Grandma then packed a little baggie of marshmallows for Katherine to take for our trip home. We weren't but half a mile out of Breese when I asked Katherine "Baby, aren't you going to eat your marshmallows?"

She replied, "No, I don't feel good."
I asked, "You're sick? What doesn't feel good?"
She stated, "I'm just so sad."
And so continues the conversation:

M: Sad?
K: Yes, I really wanted to go to Barb's house.
M: Is that why you feel sick? Because you're so sad?
K: Yes, I'm so sad so I feel sick. I don't want to eat my marshmallows.
M: Oh sweetie, we will see the cats on Friday when we go to Alex's birthday party.
K: Oh. I will have to be sad until Friday.

(and then Sarah chimed in "I want marshmallows!" after she realized they weren't being eaten)

TOO cute! She was truly upset! Had a very sad face, teary eyes...she REALLY wanted to see those cats at Barb's house!

Fortunately, Barb let the cats out while we were there on Friday for the birthday party, and Katherine was very pleased.

She sure does wear her heart on her sleeve sometimes!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The girls and Alexa had fun at the park the other day -- and I almost forgot to post these! Oops! They love the park near Stephanie's house (and Mommy does too!) so we try to get out there as much as possible!

Three Girls = Busy Day!

Here are some pictures of the girls playing yesterday. As you can see, Alexa was in a "hugging" mood! :)

Fun in the Sun!

Alexa came over the play yesterday, so we had some fun in the pool! The only problem is that once I get the girls IN the pool, keeping them out of it proves to be a challenge!

Ready, Set, Golf in Style

Grandpa's friend Kenny and his dog Bogey came by on his (quite nice) golf cart the other day. Here is Katherine enjoying a little ride!

Picasso has NOTHING on us!

Stephanie got Sarah a Play Doh set for her birthday, and we just now got it out to give it a try. The kids LOVED it, and my personal favorite was when Katherine decided to call it "Tay Doh" instead of it's proper name! :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little Miss Sassy Pants

Katherine has decided that she can make decisions for her sister (surprise, surprise). I found this entertaining....

This morning at breakfast, before I even had a chance to ask them what they wanted to eat, Katherine stated to me "I'm going to have Cheerios, but Sarah needs to have Dora cereal" (that is just the fancy name for star-shaped Cheerios with Dora's face on the box). I said "Oh really? Did Sarah tell you that or did you just decide that on your own."

She replied very seriously, "Oh Mom, Sarah is too little, I know what she wants."

I responded, "And I assume you know what is best for her to drink too?"

She came back with, "Well, yes! She needs milk because I like juice better."

So I said, "So she gets what you don't want?"

And Katherine, in her cute and quirky way said, "You got it!"

And if that's not enough, we were on our way to the baby sitter's house today when someone pulled out in front of me. I reacted with a loud "Sure, it's not like I was driving there anyway!.....Jerk" and Katherine was quick to correct me, "Oh Mommy, you don't say that word. You need to say sweetheart."


Monday, August 4, 2008

We went to the pool this evening, and no matter what I said or did to keep Sarah from running, she still tried it. Sure enough, the one time I wasn't able to catch her before she took off, she fell face first into the pavement. Here she is with her battle scars.... After all, what's childhood without a scraped up face and split lip?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Beauty and the Beast

Katherine, Nana, and I went to Beauty and the Beast last night at the park. She LOVED it! When it was over she even asked "can we do it again?" :) Here are some pictures of her meeting Belle! I think it goes without saying there was no way she was going near the Beast for a photo op!