Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Little Miss Sassy Pants

Katherine has decided that she can make decisions for her sister (surprise, surprise). I found this entertaining....

This morning at breakfast, before I even had a chance to ask them what they wanted to eat, Katherine stated to me "I'm going to have Cheerios, but Sarah needs to have Dora cereal" (that is just the fancy name for star-shaped Cheerios with Dora's face on the box). I said "Oh really? Did Sarah tell you that or did you just decide that on your own."

She replied very seriously, "Oh Mom, Sarah is too little, I know what she wants."

I responded, "And I assume you know what is best for her to drink too?"

She came back with, "Well, yes! She needs milk because I like juice better."

So I said, "So she gets what you don't want?"

And Katherine, in her cute and quirky way said, "You got it!"

And if that's not enough, we were on our way to the baby sitter's house today when someone pulled out in front of me. I reacted with a loud "Sure, it's not like I was driving there anyway!.....Jerk" and Katherine was quick to correct me, "Oh Mommy, you don't say that word. You need to say sweetheart."



Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone's taking after their mother....always wanting to be in control!!! LOL....

Anonymous said...

Miss Sassy Pants ? ! ?
She's just trying to help! (smile)