Friday, April 24, 2009

First Leg of the Birthday Marathon!

Katherine got to celebrate her birthday a little bit early with Daddy, and she had a lot of fun doing it! She got to pick out her own cake from the cake counter, and chose the one with the carrot on top. I had to chuckle at the irony of that. She loved the icing (cream cheese), and was tickled that she got a "4" candle and that Daddy and Sarah serenaded her with "Happy Birthday." (She has always loved being the center of attention!).

She also got to pick out her birthday gift (and Sarah got to benefit from this too). She found a Sleeping Beauty play set and was interested in nothing else. Sarah, on the other hand, pulled a typical "Sarah" move. She has TWO Little Mermaid dolls that are exactly the same...yet when she got to pick out what she wanted, she chose Ariel again. Daddy tried to convince her to choose another princess, but she would have nothing to do with it. Ariel it was!

They also got to pick out an outfit each. I think they both look perfect in them - and I even made the comment that even I want dresses like theirs!

PLUS, they got to blow bubbles and play at the park!! How fun!!

It was a great weekend for the girls and Daddy - and just round one of Katherine's birthday marathon! :)

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