Monday, May 4, 2009

I Like To Eat, Eat, Eat Apples and Bananas...or something like that...

The girls and I have been singing more songs together lately, as it seems their interest in it has heightened. One of their favorites is the Apples and Bananas song (as we call it).

Well, for anyone who may not be familiar with this song, the words are:

"I like to eat, eat, eat apples and bananas." (Repeat that 4 times)

Anyway, each time you sing it through, you change the vowel sound. So after the "original" version, the next time through would be sung with the long "a" sound for all the vowels, then the long "e" sound...and so on.

Well...when Sarah gets to the letter "u," it should sound something like this (bear with me as it's harder to write than to say!): I like to oot, oot, oot, ooples and banoonoos (get the picture?)

Unfortunately, she sings it like this: "I like to poop, poop, poop, apples and banoonoos"

Ya...poop. Lovely. I've tried to correct her several times, but she continues to sing "her" version of the song. As long as she doesn't start singing it in public, I think we'll be okay!


Nana said...

LOL ! You know she will wait until the PERFECT time to sing it in public . . . good luck with that.

Aunt Annie said...

Ooooh, is that from the They Might Be Giants cd..or something like that? Cool song, either way! lol

Anonymous said...

I know the song because our kids sing it at school. We have one child that instead of "poop" apples and bananas he sings "puke "apples and bananas. Just thought I would share that.
Aunt Julie