Monday, September 28, 2009

Katherine was drawing the other day and said, "I think this face needs some blinks." Intrigued, I looked at her picture to watch her add eyelashes to the happy face on her page. I said, "Oh, you mean eyelashes." She looked at me very seriously, pointed to her eyes, blinked hard a few times, and repeated, "Blinks mom. Blinks."

1 comment:

Nana said...

Yes Mom, BLINKS! Don't you have that "animated" paper-crayon thing yet? What an invention that would be . . . or a great book; although, I'm pretty sure there is a book where the boy's drawings become real, but you could come up with your own. Maybe when she draws the "blinks" it could take her somewhere exciting like the past or future??? Okay, enough ideas already. Get writing!