Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You Say TomatO, I say TomAto....

Yesterday the forecast called for a freezing rain/snow mix. We ran a few errands in the morning before the precipitation started, but once we got home, it was coming down a few minutes later. I said to the girls "Look at that freezing rain! It almost looks like snow doesn't it?? But it's really frozen rain." They watched for a few minutes, and then ran off to play.

About an hour later, we all sat down for lunch. A few minutes into lunch, Katherine says very excitedly, "Look at that freaking rain! Have you ever seen freaking rain before?!?" I reacted quite surprised, "WHAT did you just say?? Katherine, it's FREEZING rain, not freaking rain." To which she replied, "That's what I said Mom, freaking rain."

Oh boy....


Anonymous said...

Girls, a big hug is coming your way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I think you sent that "freakin rain" to us. We are really getting dumped on.
Cute, cute, cute.
Aunt Julie

Anonymous said...

LOL . . . Maybe just call it sleet - even if it's not! Of course, that could turn into "sheet" which sounds like a hic version of s-h-i . . . so maybe not ? ? ? Ha Ha