Friday, June 26, 2009

If Happy Little Bluebirds Fly...

We have a variety of animals friends in our backyard. We've had a lizard slither up our wall, baby cardinals hatch in our tree, a frog hop up the play set, squirrels play tag in the front yard, hummingbirds zip past the window, a turtle stroll down our driveway, and Eastern bluebirds in our birdhouse! It was difficult to get pictures of the birds, but these are the best two I've gotten of our Eastern Bluebird and his mate. They live in the little birdhouse on the old playhouse near the garage (we've never used it since there is no light or ventilation). They are absolutely beautiful!
It's especially nice to have so many windows to watch outside and see what's going on in our yard. The girls will often just sit on the couch and watch the birds munch at the feeder or the hummingbirds come up to the porch. It really is a beautiful place to live!


Anonymous said...

oh why oh why can't I......

cute pictures



Anonymous said...

how beautiful.