Friday, June 26, 2009

An Unexpected Guest

The girls and I were up yesterday morning when I saw an unexpected guest on our driveway! Katherine and Sarah had never really seen a turtle so close before, so this was a fun discovery for them as well. It was quite humorous, because Katherine would stand in front of the turtle to "talk" to him, and each time she moved in front of him, he would turn around and face the other way. She said to me, "He is being a sassy turtle Mom! He won't look at me when I talk to him." Perhaps I will remind her of this when she does the same to me..... I digress...
Then, he decided to track back through the grass to the other side of the driveway, the girls following him the whole time.
Katherine was a little worried about him, afraid he would get hurt or wouldn't be able to find his home, but I assured her that he would be just fine. She was hoping he would be back this morning, but no such luck. He must have found his way back home. :)

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